2019, Anne Marie Apostle of Green Scapular, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

Pro Life gathering 15th May London.

As you may be aware, on Wednesday 15th May, various amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill are likely be voted on in Parliament. These could have a big impact on abortion laws in this country so please pray hard and make sure your MP knows how you want them to vote. Some of these amendments would result in abortions being legal up to birth for any reason.

We will be joining with other pro-life groups from around the UK for a united rally in Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3JX, at 11am on Wednesday 15th May. We encourage you, if you are able to get to London to join us under the banner of “No to abortion up to birth”.
We want to send a consistent message, so please only use the signs and banners that will be provided. Please save the date and I hope to see you there.

Anne Marie Apostle of Green Scapular, Architecuture,, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, Lent, My Sacred Shelter, Spiritual war, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

A message from Jesus to Anna Marie Apostle of the green scapular. March 16th 2024.

Book of Truth,, Catholic, Garanbandal, My Sacred Shelter, Spiritual war, Spritual torment, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

“… as the roar of Satan and his demons get louder, and the pitch of their screams, heard in the Heavens, I must warn God’s children to open their eyes.”

AM+DG Mother of Salvation: Go and open your eyes, children, and listen, question and contemplate all that is presented to you, in the Name of God 12 May 2012 @ 10:00am; Message 0423 My child, as the roar of Satan and his demons get louder, and the pitch of their screams, heard in the Heavens, I […]

“… as the roar of Satan and his demons get louder, and the pitch of their screams, heard in the Heavens, I must warn God’s children to open their eyes.”
Catholic, Garanbandal, My Sacred Shelter, Spritual torment, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,, Twitter

London observations.

The restrictions of 2020/2021 seemed to have collectively damaged the minds of people. It’s like a form of PTSD caused by restriction of freedom.

My wife and myself have heavenly protection. This produces a noticeable reaction when we are walking out and about or I’m alone in the streets. Young men glare at me with a look of death, like they want to kill me. In a way this makes me smile because Its confirmation that Jesus is with me. People around you who are full of sin and who do not like Jesus will have a spiritual allergy to you. When I’m glared at I glare back and stay calm. I know I’m safe and feel that especially more if internally praying. Continual Hail Mary’s on loop in hostile situations really repels evil.

In my last job and current job I’ve been bullied but when I say an internal hail Mary these people’s actions and interactions with me are blocked and muted. A rosary creates a freeze in time, you can hear a pin drop. Once the prayers stop with worldly distractions the crazyness resumes…..cue action hostility.

In London on a civic level people have lost their humanity towards eachother. The PTSD and ‘me and my concerns and needs’ over rides everything. I sense a boiling civil disorder like the ones leaking out in twitter.

Local Catholic churches become more protestant as fellowship amongst people is promoted but not proper reverence to the Eucharist. The boot boy eucharistic ministers diminish priestly roles as they walk across the altar as if they were gliding around in their own front room.
One thing to remember is that the tabernacle resembles the second Jewish temple. Only a saintly priest could approach this holy area once a year to be near to God’s presence. This is devalued now in the modern mass with these eucharistic ministers trampling about sacred ground. When I observe them in reality they seem like the thugs of Golgotha under the guise of ‘ being helpful’. A sinister intervention into the church to diminish the Eucharist without us noticing.
At mass I’ve also noticed congregants opening up their arms during the Our Father. This I find infuriating.
It’s not Catholic tradition. We have our sacraments thank you and that as all we need. At mass I’m their for Jesus not other people.

Catholic, France riots, Garanbandal, La Salette, media, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Spiritual war, Spritual torment, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

Dream from May 6th 2023

I was outside a room encased with glass. I could view what was going on. In the room were young men, black and white and there was tension relating to an incident. I was watching this incident build with someone and I said we better look away as violence was about to occur. People came to gather outside to watch but we walked away.
Other news reports was that Tony Blair was planning to run for political power but was being advised not to.
Then some oriental women stood dressed in black blindfolded on floating barges on some water area. They were then beheaded. I viewed this beheading vividly and was told inwardly in my mind as this happened : ‘ This is world war 3’ . This woke me up at 5 am.

My wife had a beheading dream a few days before.

Catholic, Dr Taylor Marshall, Facebook, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Passion of Jesus,

How and why Satan attacks Catholic marriages and how to survive. Feb 16th 2021.

For Jesus a precious jewel is a healthy Catholic marriage. Two souls united to him in love and obedience readily sharing crosses and leaning on Our Lord as the head of the marriage.Because The Catholic Marriage is so precious to Our Lord the enemy will use what tools he can to dismantle it. If he […]

How and why Satan attacks Catholic marriages and how to survive. Feb 16th 2021.
Book of Truth,, Catholic, Facebook, Garanbandal, La Salette, Lent, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Spiritual war, Spritual torment, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Book of Truth Prayer session by Zoom


Book of Truth,, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Free will, suffering and Marriage.

Listening to a theological discussion on the proverbs and book of job …I was struck about the moral relationship between God and humans.

Now, I am no Bible expert. I have awareness that you can know the wisdom of God from a point of humility and nothingness. A child can have the full awareness of God and the knowledge of his relationship without prideful theological swelling in the mind. The pride of mind is something we have to tangle with in our lives or disentangle from in Purgatory. Prideful thought without the moral balance of the humble heart becomes matter as much as flamboyant wealth.

God’s relationship with us acts symbolically in our lives. He teaches us by events in our lives. We don’t read this and learn this. Now Catholics wrestle with suffering I believe more than other denominations. Many sects reject the necessity and wisdom of suffering. Catholics have full knowledge through the sacraments. This knowledge comes via symbolism not by gaining knowledge of the written word. Also to note nearly all cases of stigmata are experienced by Catholics.

The relationship between God and humans is parent to child. The love though is much stronger that God feels than we do for our own children. This we will understand after we pass from earth.

Free will is the big component in our relationship with God. Free will is the ultimate gift of love as it is the opposite of abusive authority. On earth, because of free will ,time and space we mostly struggle to live in the divine will ultimately wished for our souls by God.

In the messages my wife received in 2019 God the Father shared his hope of souls turning to him but only to find a sense of dejection and sadness when a soul rejects him or isn’t ready. We got to experience the very human feelings and reactions that Jesus and God the Father experience. This was a revelation but then one realises that we are made in his image so our humanity comes from God it’s not seperate. God the Father feels sadness and variations in feeling. The passion of Jesus in his suffering was very human. Jesus felt psychological pain in accusation rejection and humiliation along with the physical pain.

Between confessions the mind can go through different almost bi polar reactions. This occurs due to sin. Once we sin then this effects our ability to carry our crosses. Then we can go through an internal struggle which finds us fighting with the unfairness of our cross. Having awareness of our crosses and suffering helps the process in our spiritual journeys. I’ve heard it said that God will correct those he loves alot. I believe calmly accepting crosses without complaint like the son of God will lessen the need for God’s adjustments in your life.

My wife isn’t a cerebral person she accepts her pains. She didn’t learn this intellectually it came naturally since she was conceived. All prophets have natural humility this is why I was never chosen to be a prophet. I was given other gifts to help us both as a partnership. Jesus loves her simplicity and nothingness. My journey is to develop humility by suffering and also suffer for the sake of other souls.

So this symbolic drama in all its viscerally real mixture of grace and suffering plays out in all our lives. We make it easier for God by accepting our crosses which God has planted to correct our defects.

Great tips for marriage partners is to pray the rosary at the same time; even down to synchronisation of each word. Marriage is the becoming of one flesh. The synchronization will represent that symbolically. The devil hates this and will in all subtlety seek for couples to pray separately. Both wearing the brown scapular will also symbolise unity which is powerful for protecting a union. Our Blessed Mother can ringfence your marriage by approaching her as a married couple.


Daily mass
Daily Rosary (together if married)
Fasting Friday ( especially if struggling with your cross)
4 divine mercies daily


Book of Truth,, Catholic, Christmas,, Garanbandal, La Salette, media, My Sacred Shelter, Prayers, Roe v Wade, Spritual torment, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Dream from two weeks ago.

About 2 weeks ago I had a dream. I wasn’t terrified by it, although what I saw was terrifying.
First scene was viewing earth from space below me. It was a corner or section of the planet not the whole planet. Below me was just fire everywhere. The area was a section of Europe where Holland Belgium France Germany intersect…although the area could be wider.
Next scene was civic disorder and panic. Young men were going around shooting people. I was in the back of a car with my wife but was shot in the leg. We made our way to hospital for treatment but the hospital itself was under fire. I got the impression that the disorder spread like a ‘ domino effect’.
I’ve had a dream before about most of the UK being under water.Parts of the south east relatively unscathed but with houses under water in sections around London and south east.. This particular dream was in September 2020 where I was given a couple of prophetic dreams.


Book of Truth,, Catholic, La Salette, Prayers, Roe v Wade, Spritual torment, The Eucharist


My very dear Father,

On Friday morning while I was still in bed, Jesus appeared to me. He was in a sorry state and quite disfigured. He showed me a great multitude of priests, regular and secular, among whom were several high ecclesiastical dignitaries. Some were celebrating Mass, while others were vesting or taking off the sacred vestments.

The sight of Jesus in distress was very painful to me, so I asked Him why He was suffering so much. There was no reply, but His gaze turned on those priests. Shortly afterwards, as if terrified and weary of looking at them, He withdrew His gaze. Then He raised His eyes and looked at me and to my great horror I observed two tears coursing down His cheeks. He drew back from that crowd of priests with an expression of great disgust on His Face and cried out: “BUTCHERS!” Then turning to me He said: “My son, do not think that My agony lasted three hours. No, on account of the souls who have received most from me, I shall be in agony until the end of the world. During my agony, my son, nobody should sleep. My soul goes in search of a drop of human compassion but alas, I am left alone beneath the weight of indifference. The ingratitude and the sleep of my ministers makes my agony all the more grievous.

“Alias, how little they correspond to my love! What afflicts me most is that they add contempt and unbelief to their indifference. Many times I have been on the point of annihilating them, had I not been held back by the Angels and by souls who are filled with love for me. Write to your (spiritual) father and tell him what you have seen and heard from me this morning. Tell him to show your letter to Father Provincial…”

These words were taken from the book entitled: “Padre Pio of Pietrelcina Letters 1” , letter number 124.