2019, Anne Marie Apostle of Green Scapular, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

Pro Life gathering 15th May London.

As you may be aware, on Wednesday 15th May, various amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill are likely be voted on in Parliament. These could have a big impact on abortion laws in this country so please pray hard and make sure your MP knows how you want them to vote. Some of these amendments would result in abortions being legal up to birth for any reason.

We will be joining with other pro-life groups from around the UK for a united rally in Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3JX, at 11am on Wednesday 15th May. We encourage you, if you are able to get to London to join us under the banner of “No to abortion up to birth”.
We want to send a consistent message, so please only use the signs and banners that will be provided. Please save the date and I hope to see you there.

Catholic, My Sacred Shelter, simplecatholicblog

Sister Emmerich in Lent – Week 4, Saturday

39. JESUS, CARRYING HIS CROSS, MEETS HIS MOST HOLY AND AFFLICTED MOTHER. HIS SECOND FALL UNDER THE CROSS      The Blessed Mother of Jesus, who shared every suffering of her Son, had about an hour previously—when the unjust sentence was pronounced upon Him—left the forum with John and the holy women to venerate the […]

Sister Emmerich in Lent – Week 4, Saturday
Catholic, My Sacred Shelter, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary

MASS OF THE AGES: Episode 1 — Discover the Traditional Latin Mass

This is a wonderful film…highly recommended.

Catholic, My Sacred Shelter, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Thank you.

I was looking at the amount of hits to my website for 2023. Overwhelmingly the interest comes from the USA. I’m very grateful for this and have always felt a fondness for America which grows when realising that the USA is the most devoutly Christian country on earth. There is a curiosity and enthusiasm for tradition in the states which I can’t see anywhere else. America has an awareness of its role in the prophetic end time process. God Bless America.

Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Exploring the hidden

My Sacred Shelter has been about understanding messages that came to us in 2019. Also this site has been a pointer to my wife’s website.

 I was looking back at messages from 2019 and one word that occasionally pops up is interference. In The Longform St Michael prayer, the enemy walks around ‘boldly’ dressed in light. The light is a layer of deception to draw others in before he steals kills and destroys.

This has come into my mind as my wife and myself were watching a documentary about ‘Toad Venom’ and how tourists travel to parts of the world to take a substance where the ego dies and elves appear.

To my knowledge about marriage in the Catholic sense the man and woman become one. The husband become the protective outer layer just by being with his wife. This is true in the physical and spiritual. The spiritual world respects this dynamic and bond.

Interference in our experience happened to my wife because her prophetic experience was a placement much of Jesus’s love in her. Her mind and body became a vehicle for Jesus. This would mean a most high presence of his love would be in her body and mind. From our experience of Jesus, we almost physically walked with him without seeing him. So this experience gave us insight into the reality of what his life would be like while on earth. Jesus would have been besieged and pestered by demons inhabiting sinful people. He would need for that reason to be discerning of the company he kept until his mission from aged 30. This is corroborated by the writings in the Archko Volumes. The passion would be hell unleashed with these demons allowed to live out cruelty using humans as the vehicle to do this.

Jesus discussed the spiritual world to us and he wanted us to fully understand it. He requested prayers of Angelic protection to allow undisturbed passage in communication with my wife. The spiritual world is mainly dark sludge.

One day I went for a walk and need to pray in the countryside. My wife stayed at home. When I returned she had prayed but unfortunately received ‘ Interference’. This experience stopped as soon as I returned. As husband the demons had tricked access when I had left the building. They had my wife in a state chatter with spirits discussing rabbits and a kind of Alice and Wonderland world. This was a deceptive attempt to destabilise her using a pretend innocence to match her own innocent inclinations.

Other prophets will hear a voice and write on paper. My wife’s body was inhabited by Jesus which made her a huge target for the enemy the main reason is because of the truthful love and presence living in her for short daily periods in 2019.

Once Jesus first started speaking it gave us both the drive to pray all day. Jesus told us to say protected prayers first because of the ‘multitude of voices and characters’ who were trying to interfere. My wife has one foot in heaven the other on earth which is an unusual position to be in. At times demonic characters’ voices and the devil, himself would manifest. Outwardly this appears like my wife is possessed. Having been a close witness I can tell you this is not the case. It’s more about the nature of her gift. When the devil did speak my heart would beat fast in fear. Jesus mentioned that the devil is pathetic but he allows this to demonstrate the authenticity of the event. An instinctive prayer was given to me which was ‘ The humility of Our Blessed Mother you cannot live with’. I’d say it over and over holding a St Benedict cross until there was calm.


On a couple of occasions during interference my wife’s hand formed into a fist to show how much rage the devil was feeling. Thankfully this never happened but it is a sign of how particularly angry he gets. He is like an angry spoiled child.


In the town we live there has been a tradition of local eccentric characters. Some have small stories written about them in the local press. There was man who was known as The Wizard. He would dress up in a wizard costume. We, as others accepted him. When we had our experience in 2019 he would look at us in a strange way. My wife would tell me not to speak to him. He would sit outside the coffee shop as soon as he spotted us his eyes would narrow. We were given protection from heaven in 2019 which means there is much Angelic activity surrounding my wife and myself when we are walking in civic areas alone or together. This causes strange reactions in others and sometimes a large gap opens up between us and others physically when we are in busy shopping areas.


As Jesus sees everything we asked Jesus about this situation with the wizard man back in October 2019:


Jesus: Yes, this man is deeply entrenched in Pagan life. Please do not engage with him. There are with him evil spirits that jump from his being. However, he is still my son and he can still be saved and you my love must pray for him.


In this man’s case his activity in Paganism would have drawn him in to the darker world unknown to him. He would have allowed himself to be tricked.


Crowded areas can be very difficult because many people have several demons pulling their attention to impulsive distractions in the high street. This knowledge was revealed to me during an exorcism prayer on the millennium bridge. Before the prayer the bridge was packed with distracted shoppers then the bridge cleared half way through the prayer. I had one month of depression which required fasting and prayer to clear.


I AM Jesus born Incarnate.

My child you are in a place of peace. I have been placed in your home. You have both been performing the works I made you for. My child I AM glad you pray to my angels before we speak. I can then be free of interference. He (devil) is very angry (slight raise in tone of voice) Yes. He is absolutely furious that my son serves me.! Ha ha ha . I have him now. He is where he belongs. He is safe. You child you sowed the seed. I will take away his pain.





4th November 2019

I do not want My children to be at war with one another. Every time you speak of others in a horrible nature you pierce My heart. If a person hurts you, I suggest you pray for them. If you do not do this, then bitterness will breed and cause hatred. Everyone is guilty of this sin. It’s a difficult one to overcome. I want you to hand all of your pain over to Me. I can then begin to heal you. Love one another.

I Jesus have spoken.

6th November 2019

As I walked this earth I was not treated with respect. I know that you both feel this. It’s because people recognize that you are both different. You are both children of God. That is to remain so. As long as you both love Me what does it matter what others think. Children continue as I will give you strength and please be patient as others do not possess your gifts.

I children I AM in control

11th November 2019

My love, I AM the one in control of this Universe. I allow the devils to roam this earth. It’s children who need to understand the spiritual. I tell you these devils have their place on earth and earth is where they relish. Earth is where they feed. Hell is where they dwell. Child they can travel. They are clever and cunning. My love hell is in the middle of the earth.

14th November 2019 6.53am

During the night (LP) heard 3 audible knocks in our bedroom which she presumed were from the evil one.

My love I am Jesus born incarnate

My love I will tell you what it meant. Because I have given you this gift I have opened the spiritual world around you and this can invite a soul to visit. This noise you heard is s soul being aware it wants your prayers. My child it’s s mysterious thing I know.

My love I AM glad you said your protection prayers. I want you to say this:

“Father, I AM your loving child every time I pray prompt me to pray for protection. May no evil ever come near me again”

I Jesus has spoken.

I AM going to tell you. It’s one way of communication. It’s a way of them grabbing your attention. It’s once they see that you are prayerful and pleasing to the Father, it’s then that they do this. These souls need your prayers. I may say you will never know.

Note (Jesus is suggesting several different souls may knock to prompt prayer)

Little Prophet: So it’s not evil?

Jesus: In this situation no

  How many times My love have I said don’t doubt me? It’s My adversary he doesn’t want you to believe. He wants confusion and doubt. Though this maybe a time of doubt child I AM the one who speaks. It’s My authority, My power, My kingship.

Jesus is with your child of the light.

Peter, peter your Fathers cousin



Anne Marie Apostle of Green Scapular, Catholic, Garanbandal, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

Latest message from Jesus to Anne Marie Apostle of The Green Scapular.

Catholic, Garanbandal, My Sacred Shelter, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love

How Jesus indicates that he needs your fasting.

Once the Eucharistic consecration happens at mass I sometimes sense tears. My heart repeats to me ‘Oh my Jesus’ as I sense the guards hammer nails into Our Lords body. Jesus doesn’t fight, he slowly cries like a soft whimper because of such cruelty. The altar is Calgary; in my soul it becomes Calgary. He cries because many are manhandling his body like the guards did. The devil has created the conditions for the church to self-destruct and cause Jesus pain without realising this is happening. If only we knew.’

 Fasting can also be called redemptive suffering. When we purposely neglect what the body requires we are closer to Spirit closer to our true self. It strengthens you spiritually and we identify more with Jesus. Particularly in his ability to accept suffering and not retaliate.

During May of this year for a small period I went through an internal suffering which was only calmed by fasting. Jesus allowed me to stumble towards this truth.

There are different types of suffering;

1 is internal where Jesus places the burning inside needed for souls

The 2nd one is outer events where people who live in the world and do not love Jesus will target you. Their behaviour against you is gradual. This has manifested in bullying at work in my case. I’m now having to take temping work. I’ve decided to do this because with temporary work I can go from job to job like I did when I was a young man. In a permanent position you are kind of trapped. At first everyone is nice then after three weeks more genuine dynamics settle.

The other solution is to stay secluded but as a husband I cannot do this.

In all these cases fasting alleviates these experiences but particularly with internal suffering. During 2019 My wife was told of a saint called St Bartholomew. There are saints in Heaven we don’t know of. He suffered in the mind and asked us to pray to him.

It’s telling that Jesus fasted for 40 days before the week of his passion. This was to prepare and strengthen his body and mind to accept the barbarity and cruelty that was to come.


If one can master the Litany of Humility that’s an effort too. Then we can smile at our enemies who tempt us.

Saint Thomas Aquinas (d. 1274) said: “Out of reverence towards this Sacrament [the Holy Eucharist], nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this .


Below is a message from Maria Divine Mercy on this topic:

The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me

Thursday, July 17th, 2014 @ 17:17

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My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest pain that those who love Me must endure is that of darkness of the soul. The more you join with Me and in Me, the more I will suffer within you. For when I reside within your soul, the more you will have to endure pain because of this. 

When a soul becomes part of Me, in full union, and when he surrenders his will to Me, the more My Presence will be evident in that person. He will draw down upon him the hatred of others, he will feel My Own sorrow as he has to witness the unfairness, injustice and wickedness because of sin in the world. His senses will become acute, his understanding of spiritual matters – borne as a result of suffering with Me – will reveal many things, which will awaken within him a deeper understanding as to the battle that exists between God and Satan.

He will understand what has engulfed his soul, his body and his senses, but this does not mean that he will find it easy to accept. The human intellect is not capable of understanding all that is of Me or all that comes from Me. But if he will trust in Me and accept that all good comes from Me, then he will enable Me to grow within him, for the good of all.

I can achieve great things when you allow Me to reside within your soul. So many people can be given My Gift of Mercy when you allow My Love to spread in this way. It is through the victim soul that I can intervene to save the souls of others. Always accept that when I present the Gift of Suffering it brings great rewards for humanity as a whole. My Mercy is My Gift to you. Accept the different ways in which I work, with graciousness, for the pain of being in union with Me will be short-lived. 

Accept Me as I Am, and not as you think I should be.

Your Jesus


Glynda Lomax message from Jesus. January 3rd.


Catholic, Catholic Media

Storm Heaven. Cardinal Burke


Catholic, Catholic Media, Dr Taylor Marshall, Facebook, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, Spritual torment, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, Twitter, Uncategorized

‘ Credo’ by Bishop Scheider