Catholic, My Sacred Shelter, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary

MASS OF THE AGES: Episode 1 — Discover the Traditional Latin Mass

This is a wonderful film…highly recommended.

2019, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, media, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

An Exorcist’s Take on the Rise of the Demonic in the World – What We MUS…

This is an interesting discussion. They discuss how specifically October 2019 is pivotal. On October 4th the Pachama incident occurred, which is an unspeakable spiritual vandalism.

They discuss October 6th 2019 and on that day my wife received this message from Jesus:,

October 6, 2019

I AM Jesus born Incarnate.

I want to speak to My children. They are confused, lost and weary. They want to fill the emptiness inside them but they go about it the wrong way. They choose alternatives. They want a fulfilment and they choose evil. How this makes Me weep. I AM calling each of my children individually. I love them all with a deep love. My love is a continuous flow. Only Me, I, Jesus can fill the void so many of My children have. My loves, I want you all to come to the table and fill yourselves with the fruits from heaven. I will hold your hands and wipe your tears if needed. I died for each and every one of you. It was a painful, torturous, excruciating death and I would do this over again just for you. I Jesus AM always by your sides. My promptings will not go until your final breath.

I Bless You.

Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Dream from May 6th 2023


March 2020…. worldwide lockdown biggest damage to the Eucharist in 2000 years. This was the gateway event.

6th June 2020 Anti Christ received extra power. AC can only receive more power when the Eucharist is weakened in the world.

December 31st 2022 Death of Pope Benedict the restrainer (Katechon) suffered over ten years during damage to the church. Similarly Padre Pio suffered because of the decline of the church.

May 6th 2023 I was given a prophetic dream of the reality of WW3 which is more about the breakdown of love and humanity between people’s.

Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Exploring the hidden

My Sacred Shelter has been about understanding messages that came to us in 2019. Also this site has been a pointer to my wife’s website.

 I was looking back at messages from 2019 and one word that occasionally pops up is interference. In The Longform St Michael prayer, the enemy walks around ‘boldly’ dressed in light. The light is a layer of deception to draw others in before he steals kills and destroys.

This has come into my mind as my wife and myself were watching a documentary about ‘Toad Venom’ and how tourists travel to parts of the world to take a substance where the ego dies and elves appear.

To my knowledge about marriage in the Catholic sense the man and woman become one. The husband become the protective outer layer just by being with his wife. This is true in the physical and spiritual. The spiritual world respects this dynamic and bond.

Interference in our experience happened to my wife because her prophetic experience was a placement much of Jesus’s love in her. Her mind and body became a vehicle for Jesus. This would mean a most high presence of his love would be in her body and mind. From our experience of Jesus, we almost physically walked with him without seeing him. So this experience gave us insight into the reality of what his life would be like while on earth. Jesus would have been besieged and pestered by demons inhabiting sinful people. He would need for that reason to be discerning of the company he kept until his mission from aged 30. This is corroborated by the writings in the Archko Volumes. The passion would be hell unleashed with these demons allowed to live out cruelty using humans as the vehicle to do this.

Jesus discussed the spiritual world to us and he wanted us to fully understand it. He requested prayers of Angelic protection to allow undisturbed passage in communication with my wife. The spiritual world is mainly dark sludge.

One day I went for a walk and need to pray in the countryside. My wife stayed at home. When I returned she had prayed but unfortunately received ‘ Interference’. This experience stopped as soon as I returned. As husband the demons had tricked access when I had left the building. They had my wife in a state chatter with spirits discussing rabbits and a kind of Alice and Wonderland world. This was a deceptive attempt to destabilise her using a pretend innocence to match her own innocent inclinations.

Other prophets will hear a voice and write on paper. My wife’s body was inhabited by Jesus which made her a huge target for the enemy the main reason is because of the truthful love and presence living in her for short daily periods in 2019.

Once Jesus first started speaking it gave us both the drive to pray all day. Jesus told us to say protected prayers first because of the ‘multitude of voices and characters’ who were trying to interfere. My wife has one foot in heaven the other on earth which is an unusual position to be in. At times demonic characters’ voices and the devil, himself would manifest. Outwardly this appears like my wife is possessed. Having been a close witness I can tell you this is not the case. It’s more about the nature of her gift. When the devil did speak my heart would beat fast in fear. Jesus mentioned that the devil is pathetic but he allows this to demonstrate the authenticity of the event. An instinctive prayer was given to me which was ‘ The humility of Our Blessed Mother you cannot live with’. I’d say it over and over holding a St Benedict cross until there was calm.


On a couple of occasions during interference my wife’s hand formed into a fist to show how much rage the devil was feeling. Thankfully this never happened but it is a sign of how particularly angry he gets. He is like an angry spoiled child.


In the town we live there has been a tradition of local eccentric characters. Some have small stories written about them in the local press. There was man who was known as The Wizard. He would dress up in a wizard costume. We, as others accepted him. When we had our experience in 2019 he would look at us in a strange way. My wife would tell me not to speak to him. He would sit outside the coffee shop as soon as he spotted us his eyes would narrow. We were given protection from heaven in 2019 which means there is much Angelic activity surrounding my wife and myself when we are walking in civic areas alone or together. This causes strange reactions in others and sometimes a large gap opens up between us and others physically when we are in busy shopping areas.


As Jesus sees everything we asked Jesus about this situation with the wizard man back in October 2019:


Jesus: Yes, this man is deeply entrenched in Pagan life. Please do not engage with him. There are with him evil spirits that jump from his being. However, he is still my son and he can still be saved and you my love must pray for him.


In this man’s case his activity in Paganism would have drawn him in to the darker world unknown to him. He would have allowed himself to be tricked.


Crowded areas can be very difficult because many people have several demons pulling their attention to impulsive distractions in the high street. This knowledge was revealed to me during an exorcism prayer on the millennium bridge. Before the prayer the bridge was packed with distracted shoppers then the bridge cleared half way through the prayer. I had one month of depression which required fasting and prayer to clear.


I AM Jesus born Incarnate.

My child you are in a place of peace. I have been placed in your home. You have both been performing the works I made you for. My child I AM glad you pray to my angels before we speak. I can then be free of interference. He (devil) is very angry (slight raise in tone of voice) Yes. He is absolutely furious that my son serves me.! Ha ha ha . I have him now. He is where he belongs. He is safe. You child you sowed the seed. I will take away his pain.





4th November 2019

I do not want My children to be at war with one another. Every time you speak of others in a horrible nature you pierce My heart. If a person hurts you, I suggest you pray for them. If you do not do this, then bitterness will breed and cause hatred. Everyone is guilty of this sin. It’s a difficult one to overcome. I want you to hand all of your pain over to Me. I can then begin to heal you. Love one another.

I Jesus have spoken.

6th November 2019

As I walked this earth I was not treated with respect. I know that you both feel this. It’s because people recognize that you are both different. You are both children of God. That is to remain so. As long as you both love Me what does it matter what others think. Children continue as I will give you strength and please be patient as others do not possess your gifts.

I children I AM in control

11th November 2019

My love, I AM the one in control of this Universe. I allow the devils to roam this earth. It’s children who need to understand the spiritual. I tell you these devils have their place on earth and earth is where they relish. Earth is where they feed. Hell is where they dwell. Child they can travel. They are clever and cunning. My love hell is in the middle of the earth.

14th November 2019 6.53am

During the night (LP) heard 3 audible knocks in our bedroom which she presumed were from the evil one.

My love I am Jesus born incarnate

My love I will tell you what it meant. Because I have given you this gift I have opened the spiritual world around you and this can invite a soul to visit. This noise you heard is s soul being aware it wants your prayers. My child it’s s mysterious thing I know.

My love I AM glad you said your protection prayers. I want you to say this:

“Father, I AM your loving child every time I pray prompt me to pray for protection. May no evil ever come near me again”

I Jesus has spoken.

I AM going to tell you. It’s one way of communication. It’s a way of them grabbing your attention. It’s once they see that you are prayerful and pleasing to the Father, it’s then that they do this. These souls need your prayers. I may say you will never know.

Note (Jesus is suggesting several different souls may knock to prompt prayer)

Little Prophet: So it’s not evil?

Jesus: In this situation no

  How many times My love have I said don’t doubt me? It’s My adversary he doesn’t want you to believe. He wants confusion and doubt. Though this maybe a time of doubt child I AM the one who speaks. It’s My authority, My power, My kingship.

Jesus is with your child of the light.

Peter, peter your Fathers cousin



Catholic, Garanbandal, My Sacred Shelter

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Bergoglio, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary

Notification to Christ’s Faithful (can. 212 § 3)
Dubia Submitted to Pope Francis

Bergoglio, Book of Truth,, Catholic, Catholic Media, Dr Taylor Marshall, Garanbandal, George Neumayr, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary

Pray and fast tomorrow.

There is so much darkness. Now it’s beyond the precipice. It’s more than a syrupy gloom hanging heavy in the atmosphere.

The Holy Catholic church operates in pockets; some in Latin mass some in regular churches. We go to local mass and we are there for only one thing: Jesus in The Eucharist. The Eucharist is the nucleus of our faith. To be received on the tongue out of reverence. Only the priest should touch our Lord’s Sacred Body. Fellowship and brotherhood smells of masonry and that is not why we go to mass. We don’t go to mass to hear clapping or smile and wave at people who in their hearts dislike us. We are there for the Eucharist…the nucleus of our faith..left to us as a tangible legacy. We are not there to see so called Eucharistic ministers undermine the priest. The priest alone should be the only person going to the Tabernacle. It’s an easy stretch just to turn around and do this rather than some deceived fool meddle in a sacred event. The enemy works in incremental changes over time. Always the Longview.

Offer your hearts in Divine Mercy prayers for the salvation of souls. This is your job and mine. Let’s never take our hearts away from the suffering Jesus endured out of love.

Jesus suffers right now.

Jesus to The Little Prophet:

10th July 2019

After 10 am mass at the Holy Rosary I grabbed the chance to speak to the Bishop .We spoke just outside the sacristy, the priest was within listening distance. I mentioned the value of the priest collecting the chalice from the tabernacle rather than the Eucharistic minister (which hold the hosts) . I mentioned I thought it was less reverent if a Eucharistic minister did this.

He disagreed and made no eye contact with me during this discussion. The Bishop saw no difference between priest and Eucharistic minister performing this function.

At 5.00pm we spoke with Jesus and I asked him about these issues:


I thank you both for praying now and asking to speak with Me. I know life can be tough, and I know sometimes you may feel uneasy or unsure about things. Please know that I AM in your midst and I will help you. You just need to call upon Me

Husband: Dear Father could you speak about the Bishop from earlier?

Jesus: This was something he did not want to discuss, he felt it was irrelevant, but son you
tried and I AM pleased and I thank you. My church is not as it once was, it will only get worse.

Catholic, Garanbandal, My Sacred Shelter, Spritual torment, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,, Twitter

London observations.

The restrictions of 2020/2021 seemed to have collectively damaged the minds of people. It’s like a form of PTSD caused by restriction of freedom.

My wife and myself have heavenly protection. This produces a noticeable reaction when we are walking out and about or I’m alone in the streets. Young men glare at me with a look of death, like they want to kill me. In a way this makes me smile because Its confirmation that Jesus is with me. People around you who are full of sin and who do not like Jesus will have a spiritual allergy to you. When I’m glared at I glare back and stay calm. I know I’m safe and feel that especially more if internally praying. Continual Hail Mary’s on loop in hostile situations really repels evil.

In my last job and current job I’ve been bullied but when I say an internal hail Mary these people’s actions and interactions with me are blocked and muted. A rosary creates a freeze in time, you can hear a pin drop. Once the prayers stop with worldly distractions the crazyness resumes…..cue action hostility.

In London on a civic level people have lost their humanity towards eachother. The PTSD and ‘me and my concerns and needs’ over rides everything. I sense a boiling civil disorder like the ones leaking out in twitter.

Local Catholic churches become more protestant as fellowship amongst people is promoted but not proper reverence to the Eucharist. The boot boy eucharistic ministers diminish priestly roles as they walk across the altar as if they were gliding around in their own front room.
One thing to remember is that the tabernacle resembles the second Jewish temple. Only a saintly priest could approach this holy area once a year to be near to God’s presence. This is devalued now in the modern mass with these eucharistic ministers trampling about sacred ground. When I observe them in reality they seem like the thugs of Golgotha under the guise of ‘ being helpful’. A sinister intervention into the church to diminish the Eucharist without us noticing.
At mass I’ve also noticed congregants opening up their arms during the Our Father. This I find infuriating.
It’s not Catholic tradition. We have our sacraments thank you and that as all we need. At mass I’m their for Jesus not other people.

Catholic, My Sacred Shelter, The Little Prophet Of Love

Message from Jesus to The Little Prophet Of Love: ‘ Children do not be afraid. You are living in terrible times’

Feast of John the Baptist.

June 24th 2023.

I AM Jesus.
I AM your God.

I always,always hear.
Children,do not be afraid.
You are living in terrible times.
I want you both to please be patient.
I AM with you, I adore you children.
I look upon you with love,love.
I AM your saviour,saviour of the world.
I AM here.
I AM here children.
You do not need to be afraid.
You have everything you need.
I give it to you
I give it to you.
Children, I know what you need.
Stay with Me and I will always help you.
Children, I love you.
I love you.

I bless you.
( Signal blessing Father Son and The Holy Spirit)

I want you to be at peace.


Catholic, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

Friday June 16th 2023.

The beating heart of Our Lord Jesus awaits us in each Holy Mass. May we honour him by approaching the altar with reverence. Please,any Eucharistic Minister examine your conscience. Jesus expects and deserves all the love respect and reverence we can give.

If anyone is intending to dress in shorts…please don’t do this. Please don’t wear sandals. It takes very little money to dress respectfully. We are approaching Calvary each time we near the altar.  In our hearts remember Our Blessed Mother’s suffering. Please on this day let us please Jesus as much as we can.

Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Passion of Jesus,

“You must never ever tamper with the Holy Eucharist, for It is your only Food of Salvation.”

AM+DG Mother of Salvation: Soon you will be asked to give out a substitute for the Holy Eucharist, which will not be the Body of my Son. 2 August 2013 @ 3:10pm; Message 0863 My child, I stand before my Son, at this time, and fall on my face at His Feet in great sorrow. Just […]

“You must never ever tamper with the Holy Eucharist, for It is your only Food of Salvation.”

The Tabernacle on the Catholic Altar is an intended resemblance of the 2nd Temple by Herod. Each Tabernacle has a curtain as did the the inner chamber of the second temple. In Jesus’s time only a holy rabbi could go near the tabernacle. This happened once a year on passover.When I go to mass I inwardly wince when I see Eucharistic ministers approach the Tabernacle then handle the sacred contents with casual ease. Only a priest should be approaching the Tabernacle as he is just a few feet away. These things contribute to Jesus’s suffering referred to in this message. His followers are being led in a direction that causes Jesus pain and also impacts the soul of the EM taking part. Please can we pray in our parishes for this to stop. We don’t have to mention it …..just pray.