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Suffering: different types….

During late 2019 and early 2020 my wife and I were requested to suffer for a couple of months. Looking back now I know it was to avert war being planned at that time.
For much of this period I wasn’t working so my contact with people was limited. I’ve been employed since October 2021 as the Lord wanted this from me as previously there was a curse of ‘ unemployment ‘ over my life. During periods of unemployment I tried everything to get work and no response would come. Now I can click on an employment website and get an interview quickly. This didn’t occur for five years before Jesus removed this curse.
Now as Ive gone out into the world the suffering continues but in different forms. This suffering is an exterior happening with attacks from people towards me. This has manifested mainly in my last job with accusations,investigations which were all proven untrue. All of these things caused me a lot of anxiety and impacted my health. When I was not loving Jesus and lived a sinful life people respected me and wanted to be my friend. Now I must say people are unpleasnt to me. It’s cool to not love Jesus hence this is why Christians appear untrendy to the sinner.
Being a sensitive suffering soul my ideal environment would be to be around quiet calm Christians on the same page. Alas the chaos of the world doesn’t allow this. People react to me in strange ways. One common one is young adults who are living in much sin; they struggle to make eye contact with me. As you know sin is no longer seen as sinful; it’s now the default way of being.
On buses if it is very busy people will not sit near me. I would have a spare seat next to me but still people would rather stand than be near me. I kind of chuckle about this as it gives me space anyway. On a spiritual level I know what is going on.
Behind the veil demons occupy nearly all the space. In busy areas if people do not live in a state of grace demons harass people’s minds with irritation anger impulsive thoughts etc. Also if a person who lives a sinful life and doesn’t love Jesus is near someone who does the demons will encourage that person to form an irtitational anger or dislike for them . These thoughts lead people around also in busy high streets when they are shopping.
In the middle of November this year my wife and I spent time in Borough Market in central London. There is so much colourful distraction that pulls the mind and heart in different directions. In amongst all of this a poor homeless man sits on the street looking sad. We approached him, gave him some money and a rosary. He happened to be Catholic and floods of tears fell from his eyes. We could of cried with him. He said the money wasnt important to him but the rosary was.
From there we walked to the milenium bridge. I had an exorcism prayer book with me. My wife and I walked to the middle of the bridge and I said a powerful prayer. Outwardly it would appear that I was just reading from a regular book. Before the prayer began the bridge was packed with manic shoppers and tourists. Halfway thru the exorcism the bridge began to clear. I noticed it and my wife did too. It was quite miraculous to see .This proved that the thoughts of many people are occupied by demons. These demons guide people in chaotic ways. So you could say the ‘world of thought’and ‘beyond the veil’ are one and the same. This is partly true.
It was an ambitious prayer effort because the biteback was two weeks of depression and anger. Despite this risk I’m happy to battle. These bitebacks are scratches that heal over time.

A big thank you to my friend in America who donated the rosary that made this man’s heart smile.

Little Prophet October 2019

5 thoughts on “Suffering: different types….”

  1. Thanks for sharing, Chris! I think my husband has a similar curse on his employment. He is working for a very liberal company with a demonic logo and he just can’t seem to get out because he can’t find work anywhere else even though he is highly qualified and an extremely good worker. He has been falsely accused at work by feminists who I suppose wanted to get rid of him. Maybe because he says grace before meals, I don’t know. We have been getting help from a very good exorcist to break any generational curses in case that’s where it came from (his dad had similar problems). But the exorcist is very busy and we can’t get more help from him right now. Do you have any other suggestions from your experience?

    JMJ Mary

    1. Hello Mary, we were fortunate as Jesus decided he wanted me to be employed. I would just keep praying. My wife goes on sessions of different novenas you could try that. Saying the rosary together is good and St Gertrude’s to ask for help from purgatory. Let me know how it goes. God Bless Chris

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