
Pro-Life prayer meet ups April and May 2023 in the UK.

Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Spiritual war, The Passion of Jesus,

Sister Emmerich in Lent – Week 4, Saturday

39. JESUS, CARRYING HIS CROSS, MEETS HIS MOST HOLY AND AFFLICTED MOTHER. HIS SECOND FALL UNDER THE CROSS      The Blessed Mother of Jesus, who shared every suffering of her Son, had about an hour previously—when the unjust sentence was pronounced upon Him—left the forum with John and the holy women to venerate the […]

Sister Emmerich in Lent – Week 4, Saturday
Book of Truth,, Catholic, Facebook, Garanbandal, La Salette, Lent, media, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, suffering, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

A dark syrup of evil drips over the world, covering it and blocking out the light of Jesus.

Today while walking around the supermarket I felt the need to get some items hurriedly and leave. Once I had gathered some food and left the store I was given a grace of smiling which I had on my face all the way home. This happens occasionally. Maybe I look crazy or weird to others who walk passed me.
I felt inner peace but as a man of spirit I sensed what is now behind the veil. I can’t see this but more feel this. I’m sure many Christians do now. The darkness behind the veil is all pervading. A dark syrup of evil drips over the world, covering it and blocking out the light of Jesus. As Jesus has said to us if it wasn’t for the love of his followers he would have switched the lights off.
I see such unhappiness and increased violence amongst young people towards eachother. Do humans any longer hope to find any kindness or humanity in eachother I wonder.
This is also manifested in Satan’s hurrying agenda to destroy people. To make them unlike what God created and masking that experience as some kind of emancipation.
Much prayer is needed. These evenings my wife and myself in our rosaries are praying to end: Abortion, Woke liberal cancel culture and any new repressive liberal agendas. We can target our prayers on specific issues. As easy it is for us to be weary about evil we can remember to pray that God removes these evils.

Book of Truth,, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Propaganda,, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Watch “Jesus Ascension by Ray Downing, with the Real Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin.” on YouTube

Notice the similarity of the video image which derives from the shroud and image of Jesus in the sun. I’ve made a black and white adjustment which I think is similar to the depiction of Jesus in the video.


2 crusade prayers we’ve been saying from The Book Of Truth.

Crusade prayer 26 before the rosary and Crusade prayer 104 at the end of each decade for any relative or friend


Watch “Pray the Rosary in Latin with Cardinal Burke (Sorrowful Mysteries)” on YouTube

Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Prayers, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary

Standing down.

God has placed us in an apartment five minutes in distance from the church we were married in. It wasn’t really until after and in time of reflection that I had noticed we married on the feast Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

We have attended this church over the last ten years. At times we’ve been a thorn in the side of others in the church who have much more influence and power than we do. I had requested a kneeler bench for communion in 2015…and the priest granted this. I faced some initial hostility but it was embraced over time.

The pandemic came and this created a dividing line between some within families and friendships. Also this division was within the church. A small tiny minority then attended Latin Masses. At our particular church the pandemic guidelines are still in place two years after the pandemic has gone. There is a stronghold of fear that controls aspects of the function of the ceremony. Masked guards stand about policing others. Fear turns into a ceremonial intimidation.

The manner in which the Eucharist is administered now causes Jesus so much pain. This is how it can be described: Jesus’s presence hovers literally at the tabernacle. He is encased, hostage to our errors in free will in a state that could be described as a painful sleep paralysis. When you wake up at night and you are fully conscious but you cannot move. On top of this add the injury He feels by the lack of reverence carried out by those He loves. It’s happening blindfolded as people are led in the wrong direction. In the sacrificial revisiting of Calgary, He is being pushed, shoved and grabbed again. This is why when Jesus spoke to my wife initially He spoke about His ‘pain’ and how awful it is for Him. In our ignorance we didn’t understand this at the time.

 Our Lords pain is for two reasons:

1.       The rejection of Jesus and the heightened level of sin

2.       The lack of reverence in administration of the Eucharist

With fluctuations of reports but no definite outbreak the church is still trapped in a cloud of fear. I would say policy decisions are arbitrarily actioned. The font at the entrance of the church now has water removed. I asked the priest if holy water could be placed back in the font. Surely if people are concerned about infection they can avoid using the font. This will give a just option to those who want to use Holy Water on entrance and exit..

While at home I gazed at a picture of Jesus while in prayer. These words came : ‘ do not fight them’. Jesus had mentioned that I am similar to St Peter in nature because I have ‘fire in me ‘ for Our Lord. St Peter was told to stand down during the arrest of Jesus. St Peters long road of growth via suffering stood before him.

Jesus in Galgary stood down and Peter learned to stand down like Our Lord. No matter how upset we get at the state of the church we have to leave it to Jesus as he will be the judge.

One way we can take action is to pray for our parishes and priests.




Book of Truth,, Catholic, Garanbandal, George Neumayr, La Salette, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Roe v Wade, Spiritual war, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Small message from Our Blessed Mother after the Rosary. 28th January 3.55pm.

I am your Mother little children.
I want you to love me .
I want you to be with me.
I am with you,
children be with me
and I will always be with you.
I bless you both,
I bless you .

Book of Truth,, Catholic, Garanbandal, La Salette, media, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Spiritual war, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Praying for priests. Prayer and guidance from the Pieta Prayer Book.

Admittedly when I see errors during the mass it can make me quite angry. Jesus I’m sure does not want this. He is the judge. Our prayers and fasting are needed now for priests. Fasting on a Friday just water ….no stimulants ,just water until 6pm. Ideally a day in prayer.

Also a tip that came to me once that when in a confessional box is to say a quiet internal Hail Mary for the priest so that he can obtain graces to guide him.

Book of Truth,, Catholic, Christmas,, Garanbandal, La Salette, media, My Sacred Shelter, Pope Benedict, Prayers, Spiritual war, Spritual torment, The Eucharist, The Holy Rosary, The Little Prophet Of Love, The Passion of Jesus,

Unpacking the events since December 31st 2022.

From St Paul: ‘ 5 Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way

For over fifty years I’ve lived in London. During December and January it can get windy. I’ve never heard the wind howl and whistle accept for two occasions. One was December 2019/January 2020 before the widespread outbreak of Covid. Also at this time there was tension between Iran and USA .War was diverted due to prayer and sacrifice of allocated suffering souls across the world. I believe this howling is a battle in the unseen world manifesting. The wind has been howling and whistling again tonight.

Last Saturday I was sitting on the bus and was wondering about Benedict hoping he would be recovering. Then the very sad news came through that he had died. Over last weekend I felt so sad for him like millions of Catholics around the world. Due to his frailty he became a fading symbol of truth and tradition. The tears I cried gave me some realisation that I hadn’t had before. His role for the last 9 years had become Christ like in its suffering. Similarly Padre Pio obediently suffered at the hands of the hierarchy of the church he loved. Benedicts suffering we would not know about and can only guess the form it took but I know for sure he was suffering. Jesus told my wife in 2019 that he was suffering tremendously/he needed prayer and that he would be martyred. Now this does not appear to be the case as it is presented in the news. I believe Bergoglio has the power to be protected by the media as well as control activities within the walls of the Vatican. After all He is the head of state.

Dr Taylor Marshall has touched on something which I believe is inspired from Heaven. This is that Benedict was the Katechon. The Katechon is mentioned in Thessalonians as the force or individual who would ‘restrain’ the AC. Once this was released there would only be the prayers of the remnant to mitigate or block. I know that someone had mentioned that St Joseph would be the Katechon from Heaven. I’m not sure who had mentioned this. Its interesting to mention that Benedict’s real first name was Joseph.

This brings me on to the issue of suffering. I believe Benedict willingly took suffering upon himself and was ultimately martyred. I believe now Jesus is distributing this suffering amongst the remnant. I believe this suffering would be to enrich and change the Remnant by suffering. Much like when glass is made only possible by fire. Parts of the personality are shifted around then removed causing a struggle within the individual as they are forced to embrace humility. Resisting the cross you’ve been given will only cause more pain and even boiling anger.

 For me it started on the 31st December. I get waves of intense suffering then it goes then comes back. I had this December 2019 for three months. I believe it’s a portion of Jesus suffering. It’s easy to overlook the psychological suffering Our Lord endured and still does because of the physical wounds we associate with his passion.

Jesus suffers right now because of two reasons:

 1 People have turned away from him and turn towards sin instead

 2 Abuses against the Eucharist which are intensified now and are about to worsen.

When Jesus first spoke to my wife he kept mentioning his pain and suffering. We didn’t understand at the time. It was like a person locked out in the rain with nowhere to rest and everyone was ignoring him. Awful for Our Lord and he feels this now.

Maybe Benedict being taken now could signify a new zenith in the abuses towards Jesus’s body in Eucharist. I’m sure there is a link there.

