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The Prophecy Of The Saint Michael Prayer.

Ive enjoyed saying this prayer in Longform for a few years now. It possesses the same spirit of ‘attack’ that you’d find in Psalm 68. The language is beautifully expressed and without doubt inspired from heaven. Written 132 years ago it’s prophetic pleading is for now.

During June of 2019 I asked Jesus via my wife why Jesus gave Satan more ‘time and power’.

Q : about the vision Pope Leo had which formed the St Michael Prayer

Why did you allow the evil one more power and time ? 

Jesus : Some things are to remain a mystery but I will tell you. I gave him more time because of my people, my people are not listening to Me so they have given their…… because of their sin he was given that time.

Q : 20th century increase in technology so increase in sin?

Jesus: Yes

What I can interpret from this is that there was the birth and growth of Darwinism plus new age spiritual practices and advances in technology in the 19th century. These things combined distracted Catholics which upset Jesus as they took the focus away from The Church. As a punishment Jesus allowed Satan more power and time hence people got more of what they started to get used to. The 20th century saw such a rapid development in technology from electric guitars to atom bombs pushing us all perilously further from Jesus. Plus economic ideologies bore fruit like Communism, which was seeded in the 19th century.

The 1960s also sprouted socialistic anti patriarchal beliefs in western universities which filled young people’s minds with thoughts and feelings antithetical to their parents and grandparents. It is known that Stalin started the idea of cultural infiltration of the west and I’m pretty sure this carried on into the 60s. The 60s also saw the decline in Catholic Church attendance which up to the 1950s was growing in America .

Now the third paragraph of The St Michael Prayer reveals very interesting symbolic and prophetic language. The Dragon described by Pope Leo is one of the many names known given to the devil. The Dragon is also an ancient symbol associated with China.

This wicked dragon pours out,as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men; his depraved mind, corrupt heart, his spirit of lying, impiety, blasphemy, his pestilential breath of impurity and of every vice and iniquity.

Pestilential means disease and plaques. Pestilential Breath implies the spreading of by breathing . Covid 19 is a virus that attacks the breathing. ‘Impure flood’ can be interpreted as the spreading of Covid during the winter break last year from China into Europe before WHO announced it as a world wide pandemic. To release a virus and let it spread does of course take much malice and depravity. Communists are adept at lying as they are not morally bound to any spiritual moral framework higher than themselves. Our Lady in 1917 said Communist Russia would spread its errors( mistakes) throughout the world if Russia is not consecrated to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart.

Guo Wengei Is a Chinese exiled billionaire dissident . He said :’The Chinese Communist Party allocates 2 billion US dollars each year” to increase their influence over the Vatican’s internal policymaking and to finance for its silence on the CCP’s repression of religious freedom. ‘If true this would explain the churches immediate capitulation in blanket closures of churches.

These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the Spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself,where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the Chair of Truth for the light of the world,they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered.

The first Vatican/ Sino accord was signed in 2013 which was the year Pope Francis came to power. Amongst agreements made was the new ruling that Bishops can be appointed by the CCP. The details of this agreement are secret and this has to lead you to think ‘why’. Francis is without doubt the most left wing and worldly Pope ever. His recent encyclical hardly mentions Jesus. ‘Impious hands on her most sacred possessions’ for me means gaining the control of the will and mind of The Pope. ‘ Raised the Throne’means establishment of a counterfeit church.

Pastor being ‘struck’ means being influenced. The sheep being scattered is what we have now in the world. The sheep are scattered not tended to by shepherds who are the priests.

For many years this wonderful prayer was said at the end of every Sunday mass. This tradition unfortunately fizzled out at the end of the destructive 1960s. It’s prophetic element may have been an embarrassment to modernist elements in the church. St Michaels task is to protect the church which is being vandalised under our noses.

The third paragraph of the Longform St Michael prayer indeed lays a prophetic map which is now so clearly revealed. This must compel all Catholics to pray to St Michael to protect The Church.

Revelation 13: …The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority…

3 thoughts on “The Prophecy Of The Saint Michael Prayer.”

  1. Have you read what Fulton Sheen said about the False Prophet and a counterfeit church? I connect it with the long form of the St Michael Prayer.

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